
The LIA was formed to serve the needs of people interested in sound symbolism and other forms of linguistic iconism.


As of September, 2000, we have about 230 members.




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* archives of work in linguistic iconism
* bibliography
* e-mail discussion lists

Anyone interested should contact:
Jess Tauber:

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Call for Papers

9-13 July 2006

Contact: ann.verhaert@ipra.be


Dissertations and MA Theses in Linguistic Iconism

· Abelin, Åsa. (1999) 'Studies in Sound Symbolism', Gothenburg Monographs in Linguistics 17. Göteborg. Abstract Here
· Afanas'ev, Lazar' Andreevich (1993), Fonosemantika obraznyh slov yakutskogo yazyka, Avtoref. dis. . kand. filol. nauk, Yakutskij inst yazyka, literatury i istorii, Yakutsk.
· Bada, M.D. (1992), Sootnoshenie zvukovyh i znachash'ih edinic v yazykah s razlichnym morfologicheskim stroem, Dissertaciya na soiskanie kand. filologicheskih nauk, Moskva.
· Cubrovic, Biljana (1999), Onomatopoeic words in English, M.A. thesis, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
· Ernst, Eva-Maria (1990), Die Onomatopoetik der Tierlaute und der entsprechende Verben im Deutschen, Französischen und Italienischen, MA thesis, U. of Vienna.
· Etzel, Stefan (1983), Untersuchungen zur Lautsymbolik, PhD thesis, U. of Frankfurt am Main.
· Fatani, Afnan H. (1991), Passionate Syntax for Passionate Subject Matter: The Interdependence of Style and Quest in the Later Yeats, The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. 1991.
· Frey, Alexandre (1999), Pinto de Almeida, - "Uma teoria Neurolinguística do Simbolismo Fonético" ("A Neurolinguistic Theory of Phonetic Symbolism"). Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências da Linguagem. Braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho.
· Hamano, S. (1986), "The Sound Symbolic System of Japanese", PhD dissertation, University of Florida.
· Harju, R. (now Rapila, Ritva) (1979), Huomioita englannin ja suomen onomatopoeettisista sanoista J.R.R. Tolkienin The Lord of the Rings -teoksen ja sen suomennoksen perusteella, unpublished M.A. thesis, Dept of English Philology: University of Turku.
· Herlofsky, William J. (1981), Phonetic Symbolism in Japanese Onomatopoeia, University of Minnesota MA thesis.
· Hill, Spencer R. (1987), Sound Symbolism: An Aural Look at Selected English Consonant Clusters, Brigham Young University dissertation.
· Hiraga, Masako (2000), The Interplay of Metaphor and Iconicity: A Cognitive Approach, Brigham University of London dissertation.
· Ivahnov, D.S. (1987), "Psiholingvisticheskoe issledovanie korrelyacij obsh'esemanticheskoj i ritmicheskoj struktury teksta", Avtoreferat kandidatskoj dissertacii., Saratov.
· Johnston, Jason C. (1997), Systematic Homonymy and the Structure of Morphological Categories: Some Lessons from Paradigm Geometry, Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Sydney.
· Key, Margaret (1997), The Polysemy Structure of Japanese Mimetics, M.A. thesis, Indiana University.
· Klassen, Doreen Helen, (1999), "You can't have silence with your palms up": Ideophones, gesture, and iconicity in Zimbabwean Shona women's ngano storysong) performance, PhD dissertation, Indiana University.
· Lindstrom, Jan (2000), "Vackert, vackert! Syntaktisk reduplikation i svenskan", "Beautiful, beautiful! Syntactic Reduplication in Swedish",, in Studier i nordisk filologi (vol. 77), Svenska litteratursällskapet i Finland. Helsinki. ISSN 0356-0376, ISBN 951-583-048-6, 260 pages plus appendix.
· Magnus, Margaret (2000), What's in a Word? Evidence for Phonosemantics, doctoral dissertation, University of Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway.
· Mamphwe, C. T. (1987), "The Ideophone in Venda", honors dissertation, University of South Africa, Pretoria.
· Mandelaker, Amy (1982), New Research in Phonetic Symbolism: the Poetic Context, unpublished doctoral dissertation, Brown University, Providence, RI.
· Mansfield, Tracy Cameron (1997), Prominence: from Sensation to Language, Dissertation: University of California at San Diego. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International.
· McCrum, Andrew (1997) Phonosemantics. M.A. dissertation. (ms) Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, (London).
· McCune, Keith M. (1983), The Internal Structure of Indonesian Roots, Pd.D. dissertation, University of Michigan.
· Mikhalev, Andrei B. (1995), The Theory of Phonosemantic Space, Krasnodar State University.
· Moore, M. Jo (1968), "The Ideophone in Hausa", M.A. thesis Michigan State University.
· Nobile, Luca (2001), "Phonosemantics of Italian monosyllables", M.A. thesis, University of Rome.
· Prokofieva, Larissa (1995), The color symbolism of sounds as a component of Individual Style of Poets (on the material of A.Block, K.Balmont, A.Bely, V.Nabokov) - The kandidatskaya dissertation (PhD) - Saratov State University, 290 p.
· Reay, Irene Elizabeth (1991), A Lexical Analysis of Metaphor and Phonaestheme, doctoral dissertation, University of Glasgow?.
· Russo, Tommaso (to appear, 1999), Immagini e metafore nelle lingue parlate e segnate. Modelli semiotici e applicazioni alla LIS (Lingua Italiana dei Segni), Ph.D. Thesis in Philosophy of Language, Università di Roma "La Sapienza".
· Sereno, Joan A. (1983), "Phonosyntactics: Sound-Syntax Correspondences", MA thesis, Brown University.
· Thun, Nils (1963), "Reduplicative Words in English: A Study of Formations of the Types tick-tock, hurly-burly, and shilly-shally", PhD dissertation, Uppsala University.
· Tsuji, Sanae (2003) Les impressifs japonais - Analyse linguistique des gitaigo & Inventaire des impressifs japonais, Presses Universitaires de Lyon, 638 pages, Ce livre se compose de deux volets : description theorique en 3 parities et le dictionnaire des gitaigo selon le point de vue phonologique.
· Veldi, Enn (1988), English-Estonian Parallels in Onomatopoeia (Candidate's dissertation, now equivalent to a Ph.D.), University of Tartu, Estonia
· VonStaden, P. M. S. (1974), "Die Ideofoon in Zulu", PhD Thesis, Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg.
· Voronin, Stanislav V. (1969), English Onomatopes: Types and Structure, (in Russian: Anglijskije onomatopy: Tipy i strojenije,
Avtoref. kand. diss.), Leningrad.
· Voronin, Stanislav V. (1980). Fundamentals of Phonosemantics. (in Russian: Osnovy fonosemantiki. Avtoref. dokt. diss.),
· Zhuravleva, T.S. (1983), Soderzhatel'nost' zvukov rechi v mezh`yazykovom aspekte, Avtoreferat diss. kand. nauk, Minsk.

Iconism Papers Hosted at this Site
(Papers are not peer reviewed.
Anyone who has written a paper on linguistic iconism is welcome to contribute.)

* Abelin, Åsa. (1999) 'Studies in Sound Symbolism', Gothenburg Monographs in Linguistics 17. Göteborg, abstract.
* Denofsky, Murray Elias (2001), "Johnny and the Sound CL-", ms.
Emerson, Ralph (2001) 'The Phonosemantics of Nasal-Stop Clusters'.
Gilbert, Joseph, The Relativity of Meaning - a lay person who in my view says it better than all us overtrained, undereducated ...linguists
* Gilbert, Joseph (2000), "Proving that Vocal Sounds are Meaningful" ms.
* Hiraga, Masako K. (1998), "Metaphor-Icon Link in Poetic Texts: A Cognitive Approach to Iconicity", Journal of the University of the Air 16: 95-123.
McCrum, Andrew (1998), Terms and Definitions. M.A. dissertation. (ms) Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, (London).
* Query Analysis - Phonoemotionality: Someone's (I forgot who???) analayzed some of the responses from my query to show the emotional content of various phonemes. Very interesting...
* Poldervaart, Arie (1984), Northern Paiute Subanalysis. Informal Notes, presented at Friends of Uto-Aztecan Conference.
* Poldervaart, Arie (1989),
Proto Uto-Aztecan Subanalysis, Part III Phoneme meanings. Informal Notes, presented at Friends of Uto-Aztecan Conference.
Pyle, Charles, On The Duplicity of Language
In my view one of the most important and basic books about language written in this century. If you would like the entire 2.7 MB text in one file with additional links, please contact the author.

* Ross, John Robert (Haj) (1991b), "Fog Cat Fog"
In a way, I view this paper as the father of this Web site, because it was Haj who first showed me the power of sound and the whole ecological approach to language which he embodies.
* Ross, John Robert (Haj), "The Butterfly Gazette"
* Rubino, Carl (2000), "Iconic Morphology and Word Formation in Ilocano".

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since August 1, 2000