Phonosemantics Links

Margo's Magical Letter Page

A Site Map
* Dictionary of English Sound
* My Dissertation

Offer your Opinions
Your Linguistic Intuitions?
* Poll for the More Experienced

Theoretical Background
* Experiment
* Myth and Culture

Phonosemantic Experiments
Dictionary of English Sound
Phonosemantic Dictionary

* Invented Definitions (Results)
* Bias in the Labials

* Strung out /str/
* Amen
* Russian and English Place Words
* Comparison of Classifications
* Syllables
* Inversions
* Take
* Outrageous /r/
* Comparison of /l/ and /r/
* B vs. Random Words
* B vs. L
* Cross-Linguistic /S/

Sound Meaning in Classes
People, People, People!
* Fire

* Animals
* Down, Forced and Round

Just for Fun
Dr. Suess
* Sound Silliness
* Archetypes
* The Hidden Meaning in Your Name

Further Research
* Annotated Bibliography
* Sound Symbolism Literature Review

* Quotations
* Linguistic Methodology

What the Letters Mean
English Consonants
* Phonetic Features
* Mystical Letter Meanings

* My Book
The Gods of the Word: Archetypes in the Consonants

published by Thomas Jefferson University Press

Other Language Links
Linguistic Methodology - Why I don't practice Chomskian linguistics
* How to Lose your Accent

* Circle Noetic Services

* Linguistic Iconism Association

For Other Non-Linguistic Links and Pages, see the Site Map