Bibliography of Phonosemantics
by Margaret Magnus
copyright 1997-2006
all rights reserved
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Annotated Bibliography
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The intent is that this should become an exhaustive bibliography
of phonosemantics.
What have I missed? Did I misspell your name?
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· Alexandre, Pierre (1966), "Préliminaire
à une présentation des ideophones bulu", Neue Afrikanische
Studien, Hamburger Beiträge zur Afrika-Kunde, J. Lukas, 5: 9-28,
Deutsches Institut für Afrika-Forschung, Hamburg.
· Alpher, Barry (1994), "Yir-Yiront Ideophones",
Sound Symbolism, Leanne Hinton, Johanna Nicols and John J. Ohala,
Cambridge University Press.
· Awolyale, Y. (1981), "Nominal Compound Formation in
Yoruba Ideophones", Journal of African Languages and Linguistics,
3: 139-157.
· Awolyale, Y. (1983-1984), "On the Semantic Fields of
Yoruba Ideophoness", Journal of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria,
2: 11-22.
· Awoyale, Y. (1988), "On the Non-Concatenative Morphology
of Yoruba Ideophones", Nineteenth African Linguistics Conference,
Boston University, Boston.
· Bartens, Angela (2000), "Ideophones and Sound Symbolism
in Atlantic Creoles", Annales Academiae Scientarum Fennicae, ser.
Humaniora, 304, Academiae Scientarum Fennicae, Helsinki.
· Bohnhoff, L. E. (1982), "Yag Dii (Duru) Ideophones",
Cahier du Département des Langues et Linguistiques, 2: 1-14,
Université de Yaounde.
· Childs, G. Tucker (1988), "The Phonology of Kisi Ideophones",
Journal of African Languages and Linguistics, 10: 165-190.
· Childs, G. Tucker (1989), "Where Do Ideophones Come
From?", Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 19(2): 55-73.
· Childs, G. Tucker (1994), "African Ideophones",
Sound Symbolism, Leanne Hinton, Johanna Nicols and John J. Ohala,
Cambridge University Press.
· Childs, G. Tucker (1994), "Expressiveness in Contact
Situations: the Fate of African Ideophones", Journal of Pidgin and
Creole Languages, 9(1).
· Cole, D. T. (1955), An Introduction to Tswana Grammar,
· Courtenay, Karen (1976), "Ideophones Defined as a Phonological
Class: the Case of Yoruba", Studies in African Linguistics,
6: 13-26.
· DeCamp, D. (1974), "Neutralizations, Iteratives and
Ideophones: the Locus of Language in Jamaica", Pidgins and Creoles:
Current Trends and Prospects, D. DeCamp and I. F. Hancock: 46-60, Georgetown
University Press, Washington, DC.
· Deed, F. I. (1939), "Ideophones and Onomatopoetics
in Swahili", Interterritorial Language Committee: 13.
· Doke, Clement Martyn (1931), A Comparaitve Study of Shona
Phonetics, University of the Witwatersrand Press, Johannesburg.
· Doke, Clement Martyn (1935), Bantu Linguistic Terminology,
Longmans, London.
· Doke, Clement Martyn (1954), The Southern Bantu Languages,
Oxford University Press, London and NY.
· Doke, Clement Martyn, B. W. Vilakazi (1958), Zulu-English
Dictionary, Johannesburg.
· Ekere, Michael Edoabasi (1988a), Ideophones in Serial
Verb Constructions: A Case Study of Ibibio, Department of Languages,
the Polytech Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.
· Ekere, Michael Edoabasi (1988b), Nominla Ideophons in
Ibibio, Department of Languages, the Polytech Calabar, Cross River State,
· Fivas, Derek (1963), Some Aspects of the Ideophone in
Zulu, Hartford Seminary, Hartford CT.
· Fivaz, Derek (1963), "The ideophone as a phonosemantic
class: the case of Yoruba", Current Approaches to African Linguistics,
I. Dihoff, 1: 263-278, Dordrecht and Cinnaminson, N.J.
· Fordyce, J. F. (1983), "The Ideophone as a Phono-Semantic
Class: the Case of Yoruba", Current Approaches to African Linguistics,
I. Dihoff, 1: 263-278, Foris, Dordrecht and Cinnaminson, NJ.
· Fortune, George (1962), Ideophones in Shona, Oxford
University Press, London.
· Fortune, George (1971), "Some Notes on Ideophones and
Ideophonic Constructions in Shona", African Studies, 30: 237-57.
· Hutchison, John P. (1989), "The Kanuri Ideophone",
Colloquium on Ideophones, Twentieth.
· Jaques, A. A. (1941), "Shangaan-Tsonga Ideophones and
their Tones", Bantu Studies, 15(3): 205-244.
· Johnson, Marion R. (1976), "Toward a Definition of
the Ideophone in Bantu", Ohio State University Working Paper in
Linguistics, 21: 240-253.
· Klassen, Doreen Helen (1999), "You can't have silence
with your palms up": Ideophones, Gesture and Iconicity in Zimbabwean
Shona Women's Ngano Story-Song Performance, Indiana University, Bloomfield.
· Kunene, Daniel P. (1965), "The Ideophone in Southern
Sotho", Journal of African Languages, 4: 19-39.
· Maduka, Omen Namdi (1982), "Phonosemantic Analysis
of Ideophones", 3rd Meeting of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria,
· Maduka, Omen Namdi (1983-1984), "Igbo Ideophones and
the Lexicon", Journal of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria,
2: 23-29.
· Maduka, Omen Namdi (1988a), "The Critical Psycho-Morph
in Igbo", Ninth Annual Conference of the Linguistic Association
of Nigeria, 9, Obafemi, Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
· Maduka, Omen Namdi (1988b), "Size and Shape Ideophones
in Membe", Studies in African Linguistics, 19(2): 93-113.
· Maduka, Omen Namdi (1990), "Pharynx size in Membe sound
symbolism", Afrikanistiche Arbeitspapiere, 24: 69-80.
· Maduka, Omen Namdi (1991), "Phonosemantic antecedents
of some verbs in Igbo", Journal of West African Languages, 21:
· Maduka, Omen Namdi (1991), "Phonosemantic rules and
hieearchies: evidence for roundness ideophones in Hausa", Afrikanistiche
Arbeitspapiere, 26: 167-175.
· Maduka, Omen Namdi (1992), "A phonosemantic analysis
of Nembe reduplicated sound ideophones", Frankfurter Afrikanistiche
Blatter, 4: 71-81.
· Maduka, Omen Namdi (1993), "Ideophonic strategies for
describing rigidity and strngth of contact", Nigeria language Studies,
1: 27-38.
· Maduka, Omen Namdi (2001), "Phonosemantic hierarchies",
Papers from the Ideophone Seminar in Koln, Germany, January-February,
1999, John Benjamins.
· Mamphwe, C. T. (1987), The Ideophone in Venda, University
of South Africa, Pretoria.
· Marivate, C. T. D. (1985), "The Ideophone as a Syntactic
Category in the Southern Bantu Languages", Studies in African Linguistics,
Supplement, 9: 210-214.
· Meier, Hans Heinrich (1999), "Imagination by Ideophones",
Form Miming Meaning, Nänny and Fischer: 135-154.
· Moore, M. Jo (1968), The Ideophone in Hausa, Michigan
State University.
· Moshi, L. (1993), "Toward a Universal Definition of
Ideophone: Evidence from Kivunjo Chaga", Linguistic Anthropology,
· Mphande, L., C. Rice (1989), "Toward a Phonological
Definition of the Ideophone in ChiTumbuka", Colloquium on Ideophones,
Twentieth Conference on African Linguistics, 20, University of Illinois,
Urbana Champaign.
· Newman, Paul (1968), "Ideophones from a Syntactic Point
of View", Journal of West African Languages, 5: 107-118.
· Noss, Philip A. (1975), "The Ideophone: a Linguistic
a d Literary Device in Gbaya and Sango with Reference to Zande", Directions
in Sudanese Linguistics and Folklore, S. H. Hurreiz and H. Bell: 142-152,
Khartoum Univerity Press.
· Noss, Philip A. (1985a), "The Ideophone in Bible Translation:
Child or Stepchild?", The Bible Translator, Practical Papers,
36(2): 423-430.
· Noss, Philip A. (1985b), "The Ideophone in Gbaya Syntax",
Current Approaches to African Linguistics, G. J. Dimmendaal, 3: 241-255,
Foris, Dordrecht and Cinnaminson.
· Nurse, G.T. (1974), "Verb Species Relationships of
Some Nyanja Ideophones", African Studies, 33: 227-242.
· Ottenheimer, Harriet, Heather Primrose (1989), "ShiNzwani
Ideophones", Studies in the Linguistic Sciences, 19(2): 77-87.
· Parsons, F. W. (1955), "Abstract Nouns of Sensory Quality
and their Derivative in Hausa", Afrikanische Studien, J. Lucas,
· Rice, C. (1987), The Ideophone in ChiTumbuka, ms.,
University of Texas at Austin.
· Rowlands, E. C. (1970), "Ideophones in Yoruba",
African Language Studies: 11.
· Samarin, William J. (1965), "Perspective on African
Ideophones", African Studies, 24: 117-121.
· Samarin, William J. (1967), "Determining the Meanings
of Ideophones", Journal of West African Linguistics, 4(2): 35-41.
· Samarin, William J. (1969), "The Art of Gbeya Insults",
International Journal of American Linguistics, 35: 323-329.
· Samarin, William J. (1970a), "Field Procedures in Ideophone
Research", Journal of African Languages, 9(1): 27-30.
· Samarin, William J. (1971a), "Survey of Bantu Ideophones",
Africa Language Studies, 12: 130-168.
· Samarin, William J. (1971b), "Measuring Variation in
the Use of Gbeya Ideophones", Proceedings of the 8th Congress of
the West African Linguistics Association, 2: 483-488.
· Samarin, William J. (1972c), "Appropriateness and Metaphor
in the Use of Ideophones", Orbis, 20: 356-369.
· Samarin, William J. (1991), "Intrasubjective and Intradialectal
Variation in Gbeya Ideophones", Journal of Linguistic Anthropology,
1(1): 52-62.
· Smithers, Geoffrey Victor (1954), "Some English Ideophones",
Archivum Linguisticum, 6: 73-111.
· Snoxhall, R. A. (1938), "The Ideophone in Swahili",
Interterritorial Language Communications, , 12.
· Voeltz, Erhand Friedrich K. (1971), "Toward the Syntax
of the Ideophone in Zulu", Papers in African Linguistics, Chin-Wu
Kim and Herbert Stahlke, Linguistic Research.
· Voeltz, Erhard, Christa Kilian-Hatz (2001), Ideophones
(Typological Studies in Language), (eds.), 44, Benjamins, Amsterdam.
· von Staden, Paul M. S. (1974), Die Ideofoon in Zulu,
Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg.
· von Staden, Paul M. S. (1974), "Die Ideofoon in Zulu",
African Studies, 36: 195-224.
· Wayland, Ratree (1995), "Lao Expressives", Mon-Khmer
Studies: 26.
· Wescott, Roger (1965), "Speech Tempo and the Phonemics
of Bini", Journal of African Languages, 4:3.
· Wescott, Roger (1965), "Speech Tempo and the Phonemics
of Bini", Sound and Sense.
· Wescott, Roger (1977), "Ideophones in Bini and English",
Forum Linguisticum.
· Wescott, Roger (1977), "Ideophones in Bini and English",
Sound and Sense.
· Westermann, Diedrich (1927), "Laut, Ton und Sinn in
west-afrikanischen Sudan-Sprachen", Festschrift Meinhof: sprachwissenschaftliche
und andere Studien, Kommissionsverlag von L. Friederichsen and Co.,
· Westermann, Diedrich (1930), A Study of the Ewe Language,
· Westermann, Diedrich (1937), "Laut und Sinn in einigen
west-afrikanischen Sudan-Sprachen", Archiv für vergleichende
Phonetik, 1: 154-172, 193-211.
· Williamson, Kay (1965), "Ideophones in Ijo", 5th
West African Language Conference, Univerity of Ghana.
· Woodcock, George, Ivan Avakumovic (1950), The
Anarchist Prince: A Pictographical Study of Prince Kropotkin, Boardman,
· Aarsleff, Hans (1964), From Locke to
Saussure: Essays on the Study of Language and Intellectual History,
University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis.
· Aarsleff, Hans (1967), The Study of Language in England
1780-1860, Princeton University Press, Princeton.
· Albrecht, J. (1970), "Le français, langue abstraite?",
Tübinger Beiträge zur Linguistik: 10.
· Allen, W. S. (1948), "Ancient Ideas on the Origin and
Development of Language", Transactions of the Philological Society:
· Bauer, Laurie (1996), "No phonetic iconicity in evaluative
morphology", Studia Linguistica, 50/2: 189-206.
· Beneveniste, Emile (1971a), "The Nature of the Linguistic
Sign", Acta Linguistica, 1: 43-48.
· Bergman, Bruria (April, 1993), "The Saussarian Sign
and its Algebraic Properties", Semiotica.
· Bolinger, Dwight (1949), "The Sign is not Arbitrary",
Boletín del Instituto Caro y Cuervo, 5: 56-62.
· Borgeaud, W., W. Bröcker, J. Lehmann
(1941), "La nature du signe linguistique", Acta Linguistica,
3: 24-30.
· Brozas, Francisco Sanchez de la (1987 (16th C.)), Minerva:
de causis lingua latinae.
· Burling, Robbins (1999), "Motivation, Conventionalization
and Arbitrariness", The Origins of Language. What Non-Human Primates
Can Tell Us, Barbara J. King, 307-50.
· Buyssens, Eric (1940-41), "La nature du signe linguistique",
Acta Linguistica, 2: 83-86.
· Coseriu, Eugenio (1962), "L'arbitraire du signe. Zur
Spätgeschichte eines aristotelischen Begriffes", Archiv für
das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 204: 81-112.
· Damourette, J., E. Pichon (1927), "Le signe
n'est pas arbitraire", Des mots à la pensée: Essai
de grammaire de la language française, 7 vols., Editions d'Artrey,
· Droste, Filip G., John Fought (1989), Arbitrariness,
Iconicity and Conceptuality, 263, L.A.U.D. no.A, Duisburg.
· Engler, Rudolf (1962), "Théorie et critique
d'un principe saussurien: l'arbitraire du signe", Cahiers Ferdinand
de Saussure, 19: 5-66.
· Fónagy, Ivan (1956), "Über die Eigenart
des Sprachlichen Zeichens", Lingua, 6.
· Fónagy, Ivan (1962), "Mimik auf glottaler Ebene.",
Phonetica, 8: 309-320.
· Fónagy, Ivan (1965), "Contribution to the Physei.Thesei
Debate", Omagiu lui Alexandru Rosetti, Editura Academiei Republici
Socialiste România.
· Fónagy, Ivan (1980a), La métaphore en phonétique,
Didier, Ottawa.
· Friedrich, Paul (1979), "The Symbol and its Relative
non-Arbitrariness", Language, Context and Imagination, Essays by
Paul Friedrich, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA.
· Gamkrelidze, Thomas V. (1974), "The Problem of l'arbitraire
su signe", Language, 50: 102-110.
· Gardiner, Alan H. (1944), "De Saussure's Analysis of
the 'signe linguistique'", Acta Linguistica, 4: 107-110.
· Garth, Gillian (1982), From Sign to Symbol, Harvester
Press, Brighton, Sussex.
· Gensini, Stefano (1991), I naturale e il symbolico. Saggio
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· Gensini, Stefano (1993a), "Naturale, Arbitrarium and
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· Joseph, Brian D. (1991), "A Greek Perspective on the
Question of Arbitrariness of Linguistic Signs", Modern Greek Studies
yearbook, 7: 335-352.
· Joseph, John Earl (2002), "Limiting the Arbitrary:
Linguistic Naturalism and its Opposites in Plato's Cratylus and Modern Theories
of Language", Language, 78: 3.
· King, Barbara J. (1999), The Origins of Language. What
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· Koch, Walter A. (1995), "Kuna, a Word for 'Woman' -
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· Koch, Walter A. (2001), "How Old Are Queen, Mum and
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· Koerner, E.F.K. (1972), Contribution au débat
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· Lerch, Eugen (1939), "Vom Wesen des sprachlichen Zeichens.
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· Malmberg, Bertil (1970), "De Ferdinand de Saussure
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· Malmberg, Bertil (1971), "Notes sur le signe arbitraire",
Form and Substance, Hammerich, Jakobson and Zwirner, Akademisk Forlag,
· Müller, Friedrich Max (1862), Lectures on the Science
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· Nykios, Julien (1994), "An Amendment to Saussure's
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· Panhuis, Dirk (1981), "The Arbitrariness of the Lingual
Sign as a Symptom of Linguistic Alienation", 5.3: 343-360.
· Pichon, Edouard (1940), "Sur le signe linguistique.
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2: 51-52.
· Scalinger, Julias Caesar (1540), De causis linga latinae.
· Sechehaye, Albert, Charles Bally, Henri Frei
(1940-41), "Pour l'arbitraire du signe", Acta Linguistica,
2: 165-169.
· Simone, Raffaele (1990), "The Body of Language. The
Paradigm of Arbitrariness and the Paradigm of Substance", Présence
de Saussure, A Amacher and R. Engler: 121-41, Droz, Genève.
· Spang-Hanssen, Henning (1954), "Recent Theories on
the Nature of the Linguistic Sign", Travaux du Cercle linguistique
de Copenhague, 9.
· Toussant, Maurice (1983), Contre l'arbitraire du signe,
Didier, Paris.
· Trabant, Jürgen (1986), "La Critique de l'arbitraire
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and J. Trabant, 1983: 73-95, John Benjamins, Amsterdam.
· Ullman, Stephen (1975), "Natural and Conventional Signs",
Style in Language, T. Sebeok: 103-110.
· Vetrov, A., D. Gorsky, L. Reznikov (1962),
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· Waugh, Linda (1984a), "Some Remarks on the Nature of
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al.: 389-438, Mouton, Berlin.
· Whitney, William Dwight (1873), "Phusei or Thesei",
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· Whitney, William Dwight (1971), "Phusei or Thesei",
Whitney on Language, MIT Press, Cambridge.
· Wierzbicka, Anna (1985), "'Oats' and 'Wheat': the Fallacy
of Arbitrariness", Haiman, John.
· Winspur, Steven (1985), "Poetry, Portrait, Poetrait",
Visible Language, 19:4: 429-430.
· Wittemann, Henri (1966), "Two Models of the Linguistic
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· Bloomfield, Leonard (1933), Language:
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· de Saussure, Ferdinand (1971, originally 1916), Cours
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